Brandon Chu

Web Developer

Hello my name is Brandon Chu.

Full-Stack Web Developer

Sacramento, California

Results-driven Computer Science senior with proven work in foundational web technologies. Eager to join a team as a full-time web developer, leveraging quick learning abilities and passion for technology to build innovative web solutions that engage users and deliver business results.


Welcome to my website! Here you will find my various projects as well as related links and contact information. The projects include personal and academic based projects.

My primary focus is Full-Stack Web Development. I have deployed multiple projects using technologies including React, Node, Express and Firebase.

At my most recent position I have leveraged the above to contribute in creating a SaaS focused around AI technologies using services like Replicate, Stable Diffusion and OpenAI (Chat GPT-4, DALL-E, & Whisper).


2020 - May 2024

California State University, Sacramento
Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
Dean's Honor List 2020-2024, GPA: 3.832

Key Projects

Full-Stack Developer @ Image App

Image App
React TypeScript, Tailwind, Node, Express, Firebase

SaaS platform focused around AI generative technology integrating services like image generation & LLMs.

Personal Project

GitHub Clone
React & Firebase (Auth, Hosting, DB)

A GitHub clone featuring repository creation, secure user authentication via Firebase, and file upload capabilities.

@ CSUS - CSC Senior Project

Web Conferencing App (Ongoing)
Vue, Node, FaunaDB, WebRTC

Video conferencing application with a focus on client specific requests including specialized breakout rooms and video primers.

@ CSUS - CSC 131

Form Creator Application
React & Springboot

A Drupal-like application which allows for form creation, retrieval, and display of various form responses. It also enables users to share forms conveniently through dynamic links.


Send me an email if you'd like to get in touch!